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It is understood and agreed that any ideas, inventions, products, trade secrets or processes (hereinafter referred to as “invention(s)”) described, revealed or released by INVENTHELP® to the COMPANY named above shall be held in strict confidence, and the COMPANY will not reveal or release any invention disclosed to COMPANY to any outside parties or companies, and will not manufacture, market or reduce the disclosed invention, whether in whole or in part, to any form of use, without appropriate payment and the express, written consent of INVENTHELP®. Confidential information covered hereunder does not include an invention that the COMPANY can demonstrate by its written records a) was known to the COMPANY and/or previously independently developed by the COMPANY prior to the disclosure by INVENTHELP® b) is lawfully acquired by the COMPANY through a third party under no obligation of confidence to INVENTHELP®, or to INVENTHELP’S clients.